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Coral Springs CERT Pulse

CERT Pulse is your source for all things related to our Coral Springs CERT team. Articles below are in descending date order but feel free to use the navigation bar below to quickly find articles by category, author, tag, date or full keyword search. You can also subscribe so you are notified by email whenever there is a new article posted. If you like a particular article feel free to share it on your social media via the included buttons in the article. Thanks for visiting!

CERT Members Receive Disaster and Diversity Communication Training

The Coral Springs Parkland CERT Team held a virtual meeting focused on Hurricane Preparedness and Diversity Communication. Attendees were reminded the best time to prepare for a storm is when the skies are calm. Important strategies were shared on how to communicate with special needs individuals. You may view a recording of the meeting by clicking on the following link. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/3sm3Blrg5iqSD2GujtY8aSe4ex2aiyzEZBe5szK2THssaUYQ87tnxm_l-qMXG1mU.uYrCls3y1dzU9ebA

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Tragic Loss - Celebration of Life Announced
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